supported by the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) under ways2go, 3. Call (MyITS project P828897). The prototype implementation is available at We also provide the MyITS Ontology. The ontology is used for providing the search vocabulary and enables the integration of OSM, OGD Wien , and the Falter data sources.
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Hiess
Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH
Schlossgasse 11, 1050 Vienna
Dr. Christian Rudloff
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Mobility
Giefinggasse 2, 1210 Vienna
MA Michael Kieslinger
FLUIDTIME Data Services GmbH
Neubaugasse 12-14/25, 1070 Vienna
Mag. Wolfgang Schroll
ITS Vienna Region
Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (VOR) Ges.m.b.H.
Mariahilferstrasse 77-79, 1060 Vienna
DI Klaus Heimbuchner
new turn / DI Klaus Heimbuchner
Siebensterngasse 31, 1070 Vienna
Prof. Dr. Thomas Eiter
Vienna University of Technology - Institute of Information Systems
Favoritenstr. 9-11, 1040 Vienna
With the aim of enabling target groups like parents or the elderly to personalise traffic services like route-planners to their own requirements, MyITS will for the first time develop a modular personalised concept for web and mobile devices, combined with a Semantic Web concept (e.g. user oriented searching) and an intelligent, self learning advice algorithm. A prototype will be tested for its usability.
MyITS is based on the traffic service website developed by ITS Vienna Region which offers route planners and an image of the current traffic situation and which is in a short time also available as an iPhone-App. But, as supported recently by the ongoing research project ITSworks, user requirements to mobility services are highly heterogenous and cannot be satisfied by inflexible state of the art products like route planner websites. Therefore, MyITS focuses on a modular, configurable and personalised web concept like BBC Music or iGoogle, which has not yet been realised in the field of traffic and transport. This concept enables target groups like the elderly or families with small children to adapt mobility services to their specific needs.
State of the art routing services are highly technically oriented and therefore not very suitable for a human dialogue. MyITS wants to apply the next evolution step of the web, the Semantic Web [Berners-Lee et al., 2001], on a mobility service: the semantic web concept uses, in addition to a start-target-seaching, a user oriented searching, such as: “I want to go for a vegetarian meal within 10 minutes of walking distance and I do not smoke”. So it is oriented to the human dialogue and also integrates social networks like facebook. This step forward to a mobility service oriented on human needs has not been realised till now.
The next step is the vision of an intelligent advice algorithm which is able to extend the individual perspectives of the users. For example the system recognises a handicap in walking and gives the advice “If you are also interested in barrier-free restaurants in your surroundings, please click here”. An integrated feedback system helps the algorithm in learning the personal preferences.
In a nutshell, by 2012 the MyITS partners want to develop the following innovative concepts for mobility services:
With this concepts and the AnachB routing they want to develop a presentable prototype which should be tested for its usability by some 60 test persons in a city quarter. This allows for a future application of the new mobility services in urban development areas. So the mobility services developed by MyITS, taking into account especially soft modes like walking and cycling, can be important factors for a save, barrier-free and social oriented mobility. According to the ways2go targets the MyITS project contributes to a substantial improvement of mobility services by technological innovation and multidisciplinary collaboration. The MyITS consortium is supported with data by the LOI-partners Herold Business Data GmbH and Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG. The ITS World 2012 offers a great platform for discussing, evaluating and presenting the MyITS prototype.
The formal representation of ontologies with Description Logics (DL) enables the linking and modelling of data [Baader et al., 2004]. An important aspect of integrating ontologies and heterogeneous data is the expressivity of the resulting formalism based on the used model- and rule language. This formalism has to be chosen carefully, because a trade-off between expressivity and scalability has to be adopted.
The DL-Lite family of ontology languages was designed using relational DBs to consider this trade-off regarding scalability [Calvanese et al., 2007]. In this sense, DL-Lite is a possible candidate for the task of data integration, which should link the existing data (e.g. time tables, routes, yellow pages, etc.) with ontology-based data (e.g. user preferences and locations). More details can be found in [Calvanese et al., 2009 ] and [Leone et al., 2005].
The Ontology-driven GIS systems of DLMAPS [Wessel and Möller, 2009], DLP Framework [Abdelmoty et al., 2009], and Material Culture Analysis GIS [Mosca and Bernini, 2008] illustrate already existing projects with integrated rules and ontologies of geo- referenced data.. These concepts could be adopted and be taken further for queries to an integration platform using an ontology reasoner for the simple cases and a rule-based system (e.g. dlvhex) for more complex cases. The rule-based system works as an extension of the ontology reasoner by introducing new functions (e.g. constraints, negation, arithmetics, and aggregates) as well as access to external data sources [Eiter et al., 2008, 2009a,b].
Furthermore a rule-based system could be used to generate models which could be used as preferences for a routing algorithm. So to speak, the routing algorithm could be parametrized by external constraints.