Magdalena Ortiz de la Fuente Dr. techn. / MSc

Magdalena Ortiz

I’m a full professor of the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien.
I am a member of the Institute of Logic and Computation (E192), Knowledge Based Systems Group.

My research group studies logics for knowledge representation and reasoning, with focus on description logics.
We develop tools and techniques that use domain knowledge expressed in ontologies to support more intelligent and reliable data management.

You can find my publications in DBLP.

Here you can find our doctoral program.
We are searching for the best thesis for the VCLA International Student Awards.

I received the EMCL Distinguished Alumni Award 2014 for outstanding contributions to the field of Computational Logic.
Here is a picture from the Award Ceremony on July 21, 2014.

Here you can see some photos from the LogicLounge on Female Logics.
You can also find my picture (15) on this edition of profil.