
Many of our research activities are accompanied by system or tool implementations:

— For instance, the state-of-the-art disjunctive Datalog system DLV emerged from one of our projects funded by the FWF.

Among others, the following systems and tools have been developed as part of our past and current research activities. Follow corresponding links to learn more about them:

ALASPO (An (adaptive) LNS framework for the for ASP systems)

DLV (disjunctive Datalog system and front-ends)

dlvhex (answer-set programming with external interfaces)

NLP-DL (coupling nonmonotonic logic programs with Description Logics)

se-test (tool for checking strong equivalence between non-ground logic programs)

ccT (tool for advanced correspondence checking between ground logic programs)

simplify (prototype system for recognizing replacements in non-ground logic programs)

spock (prototype system for debugging answer-set programs)

KDiagnose (computing diagnoses of a plan execution discrepancy)

KMonitor (monitoring plan execution according to a desired execution path)

AD-Query (answering certain queries on an action description in order to find “mistakes” in it)

Kato (a plagiarism detection system for answer-set programs)

BattleAx3 (a prover for circuits based on tableau methods)

DMCS (distributed solver for nonmonotonic multi-context systems)

MCS-IE (tool for explaining inconsistencies in nonmonotonic multi-context systems)

bpa (prototype solver for answer set programs with bounded predicate arities)

AspModificator (an implementation of a mutation model for ASP)

DReW (a prototype reasoner for DL-Programs over Datalog-rewritable Description Logics)

Clipper (a prototype system for answering conjunctive queries over knowledge bases in the Description Logic Horn-SHIQ)

Harvey (a system for random testing in ASP)