Harvey is a tool for random testing of answer-set programs. It uses xor-constraints to find random answer sets of a test case generator and checks whether the test oracle and the program under test show the same behavior regarding satisfiability in respect to this case. The tool consists of two python programs: XorSample and Harvey. The first program is used to find the random answer sets of a test case generator and can also be used separately. The second program then uses the output of the first program to perform the actual testing. Currently, Harvey is tailored for the gringo language.
The two python programs can be found here:
Python 3.4
Clasp (tested with version 3.1.4)
Gringo (tested with version 3.0.5)
python3.4 harvey.py --n=1000 --q=0.1 --g="-c s=3" --cf=inp-gen.lp --rf=reference.lp --tf=test.lp
E-mail to: {gressler,tompits} "at" kr.tuwien.ac.at or johannes.oetsch@tuwien.ac.at
Last update: 11.02.2017