We invite high quality contributions on different aspects of declarative programming, constraint processing and knowledge management, as well as their use for distributed systems and the Web, including, but not limited to the following areas (the order does not reflect any priorities):
- knowledge management, e.g., data mining, decision support, deductive databases;
- distributed systems and the Web, e.g., agents and concurrent engineering, Semantic Web;
- constraints, e.g., constraint systems, extensions of constraint (logic) programming;
- theoretical foundations, e.g., deductive databases, nonmonotonic reasoning, knowledge representation;
- systems and tools for academic and industrial use;
- knowledge-based Web services - logic solvers and applications.
The technical program of the conference will include invited talks, presentations of refereed papers and system demonstrations.
This year, INAP consists of the following five tracks, covering relevant subareas of declarative methods:
- Nonmonotonic Reasoning Track
Chair: Hans Tompits (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
- Applications Track
Chair: Masanobu Umeda (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Extensions of Logic Programming Track
Chair: Salvador Abreu (Universidade de Évora, Portugal)
- Constraint Programming Track
Chair: Armin Wolf (Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin, Germany)
- Databases and Data Mining Track
Chair: Dietmar Seipel (University of Würzburg, Germany)