Lecturers and Contributors
- Marcelo Arenas
- François Bry
- Jianfeng Du
- Sergio Flesca
- Tim Furche
- Georg Gottlob
- Manfred Hauswirth
- Manolis Koubarakis
- Markus Krötzsch
- Danh Le Phuoc
- Ermelinda Oro
- Giorgio Orsi
- Magdalena Ortiz
- Josiane Xavier Parreira
- Jorge Pérez
- Andreas Pieris
- Guilin Qi
- Sebastian Schaffert
- Mantas Šimkus
- Michael Sioutis
- Francesca Toni
- Denny Vrandecic
- Klara Weiand
Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Marcelo Arenas is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. He received his PhD from the University of Toronto in 2005. His research interests are in different aspects of database theory, such as expressive power of query languages, database semantics, inconsistency handling, database design, XML databases, data exchange, metadata management and database aspects of the Semantic Web. He has received an IBM Ph.D. Fellowship (2004), six best paper awards (PODS 2003, PODS 2005, ISWC 2006, ICDT 2010, ESWC 2011 and PODS 2011) and an ACM-SIGMOD Dissertation Award Honorable Mention in 2006 for his Ph.D dissertation "Design Principles for XML Data". He has served on multiple program committees, and since 2009 he has been participating as an invited expert in the World Wide Web Consortium.
François Bry, University of Munich, Germany

François Bry, born 1956, works since 1994 as a researcher and teacher with the Institute for Informatics, University of Munich, as a full professor and head of the Unit "Programming and Modelling Languages". His research is in the areas of data and knowledge modelling, query languages, search engines, rule-based programming, Web systems and social media. From 1985 to 1993, he worked on deductive databases, logic programming, and automated deduction at ECRC (European Computer-Industry Research Centre), Munich, first as a researcher latter as a project leader. In 1983 and 1984, he worked on statistic databases at the research centre IRT (now INRETS ), Paris, as a researcher. In 1981 and 1982 he worked on a text processing system at Transac-Alcatel (now Alcatel), Paris, as a software engineer. From 1979 to 1981 he was a doctoral student in Mathematics (Graph Theory) at University Paris 6 (supervisors: Claude Berge and Michel Las Vergnas) and lecturer at ESIEA, a school of engineering in Paris. He studied Mathematics and Economics at the Universities Paris 9 and Paris 6. His further interests include education science, literature, art, history. He likes to travel, especially in Europe and Asia.
Jianfeng Du, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

Jianfeng Du is an Associate Professor in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in China. He received the PhD degree from the State Key Laboratory of computer science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and both the Master degree and the Bachelor degree from Sun Yet-Sen University in China. His main research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web and Business Intelligence. He has published about 20 papers in these areas, some of which published in proceedings of major conferences, such as IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, WWW and ISWC.
Sergio Flesca, University of Calabria, Italy

Sergio Flesca is Associate Professor at the University of Calabria. He took his PhD in Ingegneria dei Sistemi ed Informatica with a thesis entitled "Query Languages for Graph-like Databases" at the University of Calabria. His research activities are in the field of database systems and in particular: Databases and World Wide Web, XML, Information extraction, Inconsistent data management and Approximate query answering. The results of his research was published in several papers which appeared in the main journals of the field, including IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Journal Of Computer And System Sciences, Information and Computation, Journal of the ACM and in the proceedings of the main conferences (ACM-PODS, VLDB, EDBT, ICALP). He was program committee member of several conferences including VLDB, CIKM, WWW.
Tim Furche, University of Oxford, UK

Tim Furche leads the DIADEM lab at the Oxford University, UK, as senior postdoc. DIADEM is an ERC advanced investigator grant on web data extraction recently awarded to Georg Gottlob. His research interests include data extraction, XML and semi-structured data, in particular query evaluation and optimisation, and advanced Web information systems. He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications, some of them cited over 200 times. His main contributions are on XPath optimisation and evaluation, on linear time and space querying of large graphs, and on languages for web data extraction, querying, and search. Tim Furche regularly contributes to scientific conferences and journals, especially in the areas Web and Semantic Web. From 2004-2008 he co-coordinated the working group on Reasoning-aware Querying in the EU Network of Excellence REWERSE at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich.
Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford, UK

Georg Gottlob FRS is an Oxford-based Austrian computer scientist who works in the areas of database theory, logic, and artificial intelligence. Gottlob obtained his PhD in computer science at Vienna University of Technology in 1981. He is currently a chaired professor of computing science at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory, where he helped establish the information systems research group. He is also a Fellow of St Anne's College, Oxford. Previously, he was a professor of computer science at Vienna University of Technology, where he still maintains an adjunct position. He was elected a member of the Royal Society in May, 2010. He is a founding member of the Oxford-Man Institute. He has published more than 250 scientific articles in the areas of computational logic, database theory, and artificial intelligence, and one textbook on logic programming and databases. In the area of artificial intelligence, he is best known for his influential early work on the complexity of nonmonotonic logics and on hypertree decompositions, a framework for obtaining tractable structural classes of constraint satisfaction problems, and a generalization of the notion of tree decomposition from graph theory. This work has also had substantial impact in database theory, since it is known that the problem of evaluating conjunctive queries on relational databases is equivalent to the constraint satisfaction problem. His recent work on XML query languages (notably XPath) has helped create the complexity-theoretical foundations of this area.
Manfred Hauswirth, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway

Manfred Hauswirth is Vice-Director of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Galway, Ireland and professor at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG). He holds an M.S. (1994) and a Ph.D. (1999) in computer science from the Technical University of Vienna. From January 2002 to September 2006 he was a senior researcher at the Distributed Information Systems Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Prior to his work at EPFL he was an assistant professor at the Distributed Systems Group at the TU Vienna. His research interests are on linked data streams, semantic sensor networks, sensor networks middleware, large-scale semantics-enabled distributed information systems and applications, peer-to-peer systems, Internet of things, self-organization and self-management, service-oriented architectures and distributed systems security. He has published over 120 papers in these domains, he has co-authored a book on distributed software architectures and several book chapters on P2P data management and semantics. He has served in over 180 program committees of international scientific conferences and was program co-chair of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (IEEE P2P) in 2007, general chair of the Fifth European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) in 2008, program co-chair of the 12th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE) in 2011, and program co-chair of the 10th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE) in 2011. He is a member of IEEE and ACM and is on the board of WISEN, the Irish Wireless Sensors Enterprise Led Network, the scientific board of the Corporate Semantic Web research center at FU Berlin, and the Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for Sensor Web Technologies (CLARITY) in Dublin, Ireland.
Manolis Koubarakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Manolis Koubarakis is a Professor in the Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Crete, an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the National Technical University of Athens. He joined his current department in September 2005 as an Associate Professor and was promoted to Professor in April 2011. Before coming to Athens, he has been an Assistant and Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, and a Lecturer in the Dept. of Computation, University of Manchester - Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST). Manolis has published more than 100 papers that have been widely cited in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (especially Knowledge Representation), Databases, Semantic Web and P2P Computing. His research has been financially supported by the European Commission (projects CHOROCHRONOS, DIET, BRIDGEMAP, Evergrow, OntoGrid, SemsorGrid4Env and TELEIOS), the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology and industry sources (Microsoft Research and British Telecommunications). He is currently co-ordinating project TELEIOS (http://www.earthobservatory.eu/) which is building an Earth Observatory using a combination of technologies based on semantics (geospatial extensions of RDF and SPARQL) and array extensions of SQL.
Markus Krötzsch, University of Oxford, UK

Dr. Markus Krötzsch is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2010. His research interest is the intelligent automatic processing of information, ranging from the foundations of formal knowledge representation to application areas like the Semantic Web. He is the lead developer of the successful Semantic Web application platform Semantic MediaWiki, co-editor of the W3C OWL 2 specification, and co-author of the textbook Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies. Recently, he also contributed to the development of ELK, the highly efficient reasoner for the ontology language OWL EL. He has given lectures and tutorials at numerous events, including the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) and the Joint International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).
Danh Le Phuoc, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway

Danh Le Phuoc is a researcher of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG). His research interests include semantic data mashup, query processing for mobile devices and linked data stream processing. He built DERI Semantic Web Pipes, a semantic version of Yahoo! Pipes. He is also leading the developments of RDF On The Go, a triple storage for Android phones (Best Demo Award at ISWC 2010) and Linked Sensor Middleware, a middleware for integrating sensor data into Linked Data Cloud (Honorable Mention at Semantic Web Challenge 2011). For linked data stream processing, he is developing CQELS engine, a native and adaptive query processor for linked data stream. He served as co-chair, invited speaker and Program Committee of international conferences such as I-Semantics (Triplification Challenge), UBICOMM, ESWC.
Ermelinda Oro, University of Calabria, Italy

Ermelinda Oro is a post-doctoral researcher at the Italian National Reserach Council (ICAR-CNR). She has a degree in Computer Science and a Ph. D. in Computer Science (2011), both from the University of Calabria. Her research interests include knowledge representation and reasoning, semantic technologies, web search and querying, data and information extraction, document layout analysis and understanding. She is co-founder of the company Altilia srl, spin-off of the ICAR-CNR, that recently has won the price "Working Capital-National Award for Innovation" for the novelty of technologies based also on her research results.
Giorgio Orsi, University of Oxford, UK

Giorgio Orsi is a research assistant in the area of Information Systems at the University of Oxford and junior fellow of the Institute for the Future of Computing at the Oxford-Martin School. He received his European Ph.D. in Information Engineering in 2011 from Politecnico di Milano. Before joining the University of Oxford, he was a research assistant at the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione at Politecnico di Milano and a contract researcher at the Department of Engineering at the University of Sannio. His research has considered various aspects in the database and knowledge engineering field such as: ontology engineering, matching and integration, ontology-based data access, context-aware, pervasive and mobile databases, keyword search, semantic search, web data extraction and document understanding.
Magdalena Ortiz, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Magdalena Ortiz is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Information Systems of the Vienna university of Technology, where she obtained her doctoral degree in 2010. Since January 2012 she is the principal investigator of the research project Recursive Queries over Semantically Enriched Data Repositories (T515-FWF) in the same institute. In 2006 she completed the European Master's Program in Computational Logic after studying at TU Wien and the Free University of Bolzano. Her main research interests are Description Logics, languages for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, and the computational complexity of inference in these languages. She has published more than 20 conference and journal papers on the computational complexity of query answering in Description Logics, including papers in top venues like the Journal of Computer and System Sciences, the Journal of Automated Reasoning, the International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) and the AAAI Conference on Artificial intelligence. She serves in the Program committee of several top conferences. Magdalena has received several research awards including the Award of Excellence of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, best thesis awards from the Austrian Computer Society, the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence and the Joint Consortium of the European Masters in Computational Logic, and the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship. Magdalena grew up in Puebla, Mexico, where she studied Computer Science and obtained a Masters degree in 2004. She is mother of a young son.
Josiane Xavier Parreira, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway

Dr. Josiane Xavier Parreira is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Galway, Ireland. She holds an M.S. (2003) and a Ph.D. (2009) in computer science from the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPII) - University of Saarland, Saarbrucken, Germany. Her main research interests are on semantic sensor networks, large-scale distributed systems, social networks, Internet of things, link analysis and peer-to-peer systems. She has published more than 15 articles in journals, refereed conferences and workshops. During her PhD, she was awarded a fellowship from the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS), and she currently holds a IRCSET Post Doctoral Fellowship.
Jorge Pérez, Universidad de Chile

Jorge Pérez received a B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering (2003), a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science (2004), and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science (2011) from the P. Universidad Católica de Chile. He is currently an Assitant Professor at the Computer Science Department of Universidad de Chile. His research interests include data exchange and integration, schema mapping management, and the application of database tools and techniques to the Semantic Web. Pérez has received a Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship (2009-2010), and he spent the summer of 2009 working as a Microsoft Research Intern at MSR Labs, Redmod USA. Pérez has three best paper awards at international conferences (ISWC 2006 in Athens, Georgia USA, ESWC 2007 in Karlsruhe, Germany, and PODS 2011 in Athens, Greece) for his work on database aspects of the Semantic Web, and on extensions of data exchange for incomplete information.
Andreas Pieris, University of Oxford, UK

Andreas Pieris is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford. He has a degree in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus (2006), an M. Sc. in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science (2007), and a Ph. D. in Computer Science (2011), both from the University of Oxford. His research interests lie in the intersection of knowledge representation and reasoning and theory of algorithms and complexity. In particular, he is interested in the identification of expressive logical languages under which reasoning (such as query answering) is decidable, and in the investigation of their computational complexity.
Guilin Qi, South Eastern University, China

Dr. Guilin Qi is a professor working at Southeast University in China. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Queen's University of Belfast in 2006. Before he moved back to China, he has worked in Institute AIFB at University of Karlsruhe for three years. His research interests include knowledge representation and reasoning, uncertainty reasoning, and semantic web. He has published over 70 papers in these areas, many of which published in proceedings of major conferences or journals. He is in the editorial board of the Journal of Web Semantic. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence and has co-edited a special issue of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. He has organized a couple of international workshops, including C&O'08, ARea'08, ARCOE'09, ARCOE'10, IWOD'10. He has served as PC members of several international conferences and workshops, such as IJCAI'11, AAAI'11, ESWC'11, ISWC'09, ISWC'10. He has also served as many conference reviewers and journal reviewers. He has given tutorials about inconsistency handling in OWL ontologies at ASWC'09, AAAI'10 and ISWC'11.
Sebastian Schaffert, Salzburg Research, Austria

Dr. Sebastian Schaffert is head of the Knowledge and Media Technologies (KMT) department at Salzburg Research with around 20 researchers, which is concerned with semantic systems, social media, and multimedia management. He is also Scientific Director of Salzburg NewMediaLab (SNML), the Austrian industry competence centre on New Media and was co-ordinator of the EU FP7 project KiWi (Knowledge in a Wiki) on knowledge management with Semantic Wikis (2008-2011). He received his PhD from the University of Munich in 2004 in the area of reasoning. He is primarily engaged in research on Linked Media, Social Semantic Web and Knowledge Management, where he is a well-known representative. He was co-programme chair of the (I-)Semantics conference series (2006, 2007 and 2008) and the Semantic Wiki Workshops (2006-2010).
Mantas Šimkus, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Dr. Mantas Simkus is a research assistant in the Database and Artificial Intelligence Group at the Vienna University of Technology (Austria). He has obtained a Bachelor Degree from Vilnius University (Lithuania) and a European Masters Degree in Computational Logic from TU Vienna and the Free University of Bolzano (Italy). In 2010 he was awarded a PhD degree for his dissertation on logic programming with function symbols and nonmonotonic negation. His current research concerns expressive knowledge representation formalisms that allow for fusion of rule-based languages and Description Logics, query answering in Description Logics, and non-monotonic reasoning over infinite domains. He has served or is serving as a program committee member for international conferences IJCAI, KR and AAAI.
Michael Sioutis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Michael Sioutis is a Master's thesis researcher in the area of Advanced Information Systems at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications (DIT) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He received his B.Sc in Computer Science from DIT, NKUA in 2009. He currently serves as a research assistant and programmer for the TELEIOS project, funded by the European Commision. His research focuses on various aspects in the Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Technologies fields such as constraint programming, ontology engineering, knowledge representation, and spatial reasoning.
Francesca Toni, Imperial College London, UK

Francesca Toni is Reader in Computational Logic in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, where she received her PhD in 1995. Her research interests include computational argumentation, computational logic-based agents, and, more generally, knowledge representation and reasoning. She is a founding member of the steering committee of COMMA (COMputational Models of Argument, 2006-), and has been a founding member of the steering committee of CLIMA (Computational Logic in Multi-Agents, 2000-2010). She participates routinely in the organisation and program committees of a number of conferences and events in generic AI and specifically in argumentation. She has coordinated two EC-funded projects (SOCS, 2001-2005, and ARGUGRID, 2006-2009). She is author and co-author of over 100 publications. She leads the Computaitonal Logic and Argumentation group at the Department of Computing at Imperial College London.
Denny Vrandecic, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Denny Vrandecic is director of the Wikidata project at Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. and a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute AIFB at KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. His research interests include web-based collaboration of massive numbers of users. He was involved in the EU-funded projects SEKT, ACTIVE, and RENDER, the project Halo funded by Vulcan Inc., Seattle, and the BMBF-funded project SMART that deals with improving water resource management in the lower Jordan valley, partnering, among others, the state of Israel, the Kingdom of Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority. He is the founding administrator of the Croatian Wikipedia, which today has more than 80.000 articles. He consulted Metaweb's freebase.com service on creating their RDF export (now acquired by Google) and is co-inventor of the Semantic MediaWiki system (SMW). His contributions to Open Source software have received a number of prizes (Theseus Idea Competition, do.it award, two time Semantic Web Challenge finalist, and others).
Klara Weiand, University of Munich

Klara Weiand holds a Bachelor's degree in Cognitive Science from the University of Osnabrück and a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Amsterdam. Her early research was concerned with speech and language processing. In 2008, she joined the University of Munich as a doctoral researcher in the EU-funded project "KiWi - Knowledge in a Wiki". Her work within the project is concerned with querying semantic wikis and the question how the seemingly conflicting properties of expressiveness and user-friendliness can be consolidated to yield a suitable query language for content, meta data, structure and annotations in social-semantic software. Klara Weiand graduated with a PhD in computer science in early 2011. She is the author of over 20 peer-reviewed scientific publications in the areas of web search and querying, the social-semantic web, artificial intelligence, and linguistics.